Our website: http://www.mmtradeonline.com http://picasaweb.google.com/wholesalepick1 MSN: mmtrade1@ho***il.com Wholesale-pick@ho***il.com we wholesale jordans sneakers, cheap jordans sneakers, retro jordans sneakers. As to Jordan shoes, we make the following promises: 1)Good materials 2) Excellent service 3) Competitive price 4) High quality 5£İThe more you order ,the more cheaper price you will get 6)Size: Men: 8,9,10,11,12,13 Women: 5.5,6,7,8,8.5 Children: 11C,11.5C,12 C,12.5C,13C,1Y,1.5Y,2Y,2.5Y,3Y